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Like so many great stories, ours starts with love.

More specifically, the love a pair of dog parents have for their two furry family members who are pros at finding mud, dirt, and anything stinky to roll in.

These parents were tired of the mess and backaches that came with bathing their fur babies at home-not to mention the stress and expense of taking the dogs over and over to the groomers.

With expertise in product design, materials, and manufacturing, these dog parents knew there was a way to make a durable, affordable, modular pet bath that was safe and ergonomic for pets and their human parents.

Featuring levels of though, design, and materials not found in other tubs, Furesh quickly became the number-one-selling pet bath online.

Now, we're talking that same dedication to design and performance to create a full line of care and wellness products for cats, dogs, potbelly pigs, or whatever furry being is part of your family.

The love our fury family members bring is unconditional. That's why you have our unconditional guarantee that we put more love into every product.

-Love Furesh